In one sentence; The HexOhm V2 is an American made, super powerful advanced personal vaporizer that is going to rock your world.
When it comes to performance, this gizmo hits very good and the chip really stands out. Vapor production is solid, flavor is intense and battery life is great. We did have some issues when trying to open the battery cover, because the magnets are so, so powerful. Using a screwdriver doesn’t help because it only damages the finish, so it’s up to your fingernails to get the job done but I cut mine weekly and sometimes I struggle with this issue. However, the size of the mod is surprisingly small and it performs like a true bad boy with each press of the button. One last and important thing, the HexOhm V2 comes with lifetime warranty, so this should come in handy in case of any flaws.
Today we have something very special for you and it’s an American made, super powerful advanced personal vaporizer that is going to rock your world. I borrowed this mod from a friend (a big shout out for Nick!) that was kind enough to let us test it for two whole weeks and I have to say I have been more than dazzled by its performance. So, without further ado, today we are going to take a closer look at the HexOhm V2 by Craving Vapor.
Two 18650 batteries
The HexOhm V2 is a well-built, fantastic looking, US made box mod that, despite its small form factor, is powered by two 18650 batteries. It comes as a big improvement over the original HexOhm (which was capable of hitting a maximum of 50W) with the new OKL-T20 Chip and it is now able to go as high as 110W. The body is made from high quality aluminum and the finish is really impressive. It weighs around 225g, which makes it feel very robust yet perfectly balanced. It has a big HexOhm logo on the front and a lovely colored button, which can be replaced.
On the top you will notice the VariTube 510 connection that comes with a spring loaded center pin with four airflow grooves. The threading it excellent on this device and we didn’t encounter any compatibility or contact issues with any of the tanks we used. On the side of the mod you can see the firing button, which is very responsive and has an amazing ‘clickiness’ to it and just below there’s the unique serial number of each device. On the opposite side there’s a small potentiometer that lets you adjust the power, and that’s about it.
The battery cover on the HexOhm V2 is fully magnetic and it’s held in place by four rare earth magnets that ensure a tight, rattle free fit. Inside you can check out the chip and circuits at the top and the two 18650 battery slots. Everything looks clean and the guys at Craving Vapor have really made the best of the small space inside. The OKL-T20 Chip has a 20Amp limit and you can vape as low as 0.3 Ohms, which is more than enough for most users.
Mod for intermediate to advanced vapers
However, one thing you do need to understand is that this mod is destined for intermediate to advanced vapers and you really need to know your Ohms and Amps before using it. This is because, while it does come with reverse battery protection, it’s not like your average advanced personal vaporizer that automatically stops when you use a build with a resistance lower than 0.3 Ohms. Because of this, it can put the board to a lot of stress and burn it or wear it out prematurely, so it’s something you really need to pay attention to.
Another fact is that there is no display to check out the current wattage or voltage and you have to do this by taste. When you mount a tank or atomizer on top of the HexOhm V2 you need to take the potentiometer all the way down (use your fingernail or a paper clip) and then gradually adjust it to your liking by sampling the vapor. It’s fairly simple and straight forward, but at the same time you don’t know what you are vaping at.
When it comes to performance, this gizmo hits very good and the chip really stands out. Vapor production is solid, flavor is intense and battery life is great. We did have some issues when trying to open the battery cover, because the magnets are so, so powerful. Using a screwdriver doesn’t help because it only damages the finish, so it’s up to your fingernails to get the job done but I cut mine weekly and sometimes I struggle with this issue. However, the size of the mod is surprisingly small and it performs like a true bad boy with each press of the button. One last and important thing, the HexOhm V2 comes with lifetime warranty, so this should come in handy in case of any flaws.