Overall a great device that delivers one of the most successful vaporizing experiences ever. The vapor is not as rich as in the case of other portable dry herb vaporizer, however due to the glass on glass pathway and ceramic chamber the taste is incredible.
The Davinci Ascent is by far one of the chicest dry herb vaporizers to have ever been released on the market. The DaVinci Ascent is truly a beauty. With some incredible curves, polished aluminum sides, a rubberized crock skin imitation stretching on the whole body and a lovely grill at the bottom that kind of resembles the one from a vintage car, this device is like the ‘Vertu’ of portable vaporizers. Everything about it just shines from the quality of materials, to the attention to details.
A "glass on glass" vapor path for the purest vapor
However, looks alone don’t make the DaVinci Ascent such a highly appreciated jewel, and one reason behind the device’s popularity is its ‘glass on glass’ vapor path that produces one of the purest vapes ever. Also the Ascent uses a ceramic heating element to prevent any impurities or aftertastes and it’s advertised as a convection vaporizer – however it’s a mixed system since much of the dry herb mixture comes in direct contact with the chamber’s hot walls.
The nicest presentation box yet
The DaVinci Ascent comes packed in one of the nicest presentation boxes that we’ve seen to date and the packaging clearly says a lot about the quality of the device that you’re going to find inside.  So besides the vaporizer you will also notice a user’s manual, a sticker, a wall charger, a velvet-like carrying pouch, two small glass containers with lids for vaping essential oils, an extra glass stem and mouth piece, and a bag of goodies containing a few metal screens, an extra metal pick, and two rubber cap heads.
This stylish vaporizer comes in three available colors – Crock Skin Leather, Wood Grain and Stealth (Black). On the top side you’ll notice the glass straw (mouthpiece) that is telescopic, the ‘buddy rim’ and the main power button, on the main side you’ll spot the OLED display, the two adjustment buttons and the settings button, while on the base there’s the power adapter port and the grill that provides a stream of air to the heating chamber.
To access the ceramic heating chamber, the bottom half of the device swivels outward and you are able to fill it up with your herbal mixture right to the top. Once you begin vaporizing your dry herbs, you can use the metallic pick from the top and stir the mixture for an even exposure to the heat. This is going to guarantee a better taste and richer vapor.
Some tips for your first Ascent experience
To use the DaVinci Ascent you will need to turn the device on by pressing the power button at the top. Then load the heating chamber with either a dry herb grind or one of the jars one quarter full with essential oil, and then close the chamber. Use the two temperature adjustment buttons to set a value that’s appropriate for your product and wait for the vaporizer to reach it. As it heats up it’s going to show you the rising temperature and when it’s ready to vape it’s going to show a steaming bowl animation. Pull out the glass mouthpiece and start puffing on that delicious vapor.
The Battery
The battery is pretty good and the device is going to last around 2 – 2 and a half hours on a full charge, mostly depending on the temperature you’re using. When it’s time to recharge just plug in the wall adapter and wait between 4 to 4 and a half hours to reach 100%. The Ascent also comes with a built in motion sensor and it’s going to turn off its heating element after a pre-defined period of time. You also get the ability to finely tune each vaping session and adjust the temperatures in three easy steps. If you're looking for a device with more power that will last you more than a day you should check out its bigger brother in the Davinci IQ review
Final words
Overall a great device that delivers one of the most successful vaporizing experiences ever. The vapor is not as rich as in the case of other portable dry herb vaporizer, however due to the glass on glass pathway and ceramic chamber the taste is incredible.
Brand: | Davinci |